24 – 27

September 2024

Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands

17th International Weurman Flavour Research Symposium

This 17th edition of the Weurman Flavour Research Symposium will be held on 24 – 27 September 2024 at Wageningen University and Research in Wageningen, The Netherlands. This conference, created in 1975 in memory of Cornelius Weurman and held every three years in different countries in Europe, is an internationally recognised Symposium gathering well-known scientists from academia and industry from different disciplines in the field of flavour research: chemistry, biology, neurophysiology and psychology.

The local organizers invite scientists with expertise covering different topics in flavour science, from flavour generation in food/non-food products to flavour perception, well-being and health to attend the symposium and submit abstracts. The scientific programme comprises of keynote lectures given by distinguished scientists from academia, scientific talks, flash poster presentations, and posters in the following main subject areas:

  • Multimodal flavour perception: from mixtures of compounds to brain integration
  • Flavour perception: from molecules to receptors to perception
  • Role of flavour in food intake and well-being
  • Flavour representation (naturality, authenticity)
  • Flavour generation
  • Modelling flavour compounds activity
  • New analytical tools for flavour analysis

Registration fees

Please find the information on registration fees below

Registration type Registration fee*
Full registration  € 950,00
Student registration  € 550,00
Partners or accompanying persons  € 500,00

*Registration fee includes coffee/tea, lunches, social meeting and conference dinner

Supporting Journal

The prestigious Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2 year impact factor 2022: 6.1) invites all presenters to submit full article versions of their conference presentation to be considered for publication in a special issue of the journal dedicated to the Weurman Symposium 2024.

Conference venue: Omnia on the Wageningen Campus

The conference location Omnia is located in the city of Wageningen. It is easily accessible by both car and public transport. Omnia has its own car parks.

Wageningen Accommodation

There are 4 hotels in the area. All information, availability and prices can be found on the webpage of the hotels.

Hotels below are recommended in the area:

WICC Wageningen
Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Wageningsche Berg
Hotel De Wereld – Wageningen
Hotel de Reehorst – Ede

Got questions?

Don’t hesitate to contact us

Laura van der Parre

Conference coordinator Zonderzorg