Associate Professor Graham Eyres teaches and researches food chemistry, flavour science and brewing/fermentation. The objective of his research is to understand the factors that influence the sensory perception of flavour in foods by investigating the interactions between food, food processing, flavour chemistry and sensory science using advanced analytical methods.

Graham’s flavour expertise is applied in a range of projects including (1) the impact of food processing on food quality, (2) impact of ingredients and fermentation on beer flavour and quality, (3) analysis of volatiles in exhaled breath as a non-invasive measure of metabolism and health status, and (4) analysis of volatiles in vaping e‑liquids and aerosols.

Graham is a professional member of the New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology (NZIFST) and active as the Otago-Southland branch secretary. Graham was on the conference organizing committee in 2022 and is the conference chair for the 2023 conference in Ōtepoti Dunedin. Graham is Associate Investigator in the Riddet Institute and member of Food Waste Innovation, a University of Otago research theme.